The Last Chip
(1 Minute Read)
Imagine you’ve been craving Pringles and you have a brand new can sitting right in front of you. You proceed to pop that plastic lid off, peel back the foil and gently pick up that first delicate chip. After a moment of admiration, you pop that chip into your mouth and it shatters into a billion bits of salty goodness smashed between your teeth and tastebuds. You can’t help but smile. Say that first potato chip gives you ten units of happiness. Great. Now as you continue to devour one chip after another the units of happiness per chip start to slowly drop. The law of diminishing returns right? Economics 101. So after every few chips or so the units of happiness starts to drop down to nine, eight, seven, six…and so on. Eventually, you get to that dreaded moment when you’re staring down the empty barrel at that very last chip in the can. Let’s say that last chip would only give you one unit of happiness. So instead of eating that chip, what if you gave it to a friend? Maybe they’d get three units of happiness. Or who knows, maybe they were craving Pringles too and they’d get a whopping ten units of happiness out that single chip. And here’s the kicker, by sharing that last chip with your friend, you get a some bonus happiness out of thin air with all the warm and fuzzies. Plus, your friend gets extra happiness from your selfless act of generosity. It’s a freakin miracle. What a good friend you are.